Thursday, August 7, 2008

"All Art Leads To Light"

Not all art is painting, sculpture, wood or glass. Some can be classified as installation. This doesn't mean the work is less appealing or interesting. It just provides a new way at seeing things.

And according to Christopher Durang's play "Mrs. Sorken" - soon to be presented by Face-T-Face Productions - "All art leads to light." The pictures below concur. They are titled Replication of System.

This work is by artist Ann Marie Cernoch, who uses multiple metal rings, thousands of wire of copper, and a variety of electronic elements to create her work.

"My work is an exploration into how technology is an extension of the human mind," Cernoch says. "Using our brains as inspiration, we are expanding technological systems and creating the impossible."

You can see her art installations on August 16 at the Alley of Art.

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